
Wild garlic focaccia

Wild garlic focaccia is an aromatic and delicious bread that is perfect for spring. The combination of hearty wild garlic and the soft, fluffy dough makes this focaccia a true delight. Focaccia is incredibly versatile; you can serve it on various occasions: As an appetizer, for grilling and picnics, at celebrations and wine evenings with friends and family. 
Prep Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Brunch
Cuisine Italian
Servings 6


For the dough: 

  • 500 g all-purpose flour (type 550) 
  • 300 ml lukewarm water 
  • 7 g packet of dry yeast or fresh yeast (21 g) 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp olive oil (plus more for brushing) 

For the topping: 

  • 100 g fresh wild garlic 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Coarse sea salt for sprinkling 
  • Optional: Sun-dried tomatoes, olives, or cheese, to taste 


  • Prepare the Dough: In a large bowl, mix the flour with dry yeast, salt and sugar. Add the lukewarm water and 3 tbsp olive oil and knead everything into a smooth dough. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. If it’s too dry, add a bit more water. Cover the dough and let it rest in a warm place for about 1 hour until it has significantly increased in size. 
  • Prepare the Wild Garlic: While the dough is resting, thoroughly wash and dry the wild garlic. Roughly chop the leaves and blend them with 2 tbsp olive oil in a food processor until you have a homogeneous paste.
  • Shape the Dough: Place the risen dough on a lightly floured surface and knead briefly. Then transfer the dough to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and shape it with your hands into an even layer, about 2 cm thick.  
  • Apply the Wild Garlic Paste: Evenly spread the wild garlic paste over the dough. Use your fingertips to press small indentations into the dough to create the typical focaccia structure. 
  • Bake: Drizzle the focaccia with a bit more olive oil and sprinkle with coarse sea salt as desired. Optional toppings like sun-dried tomatoes, olives, or cheese can be added now. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) for about 20-25 minutes, until golden brown and crispy. 
  • Serve: Remove the wild garlic focaccia from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving. It tastes best when still slightly warm. 


  • Dough Handling: For an even airier focaccia, you can knead the dough again after the first resting period, shape it and let it rest for another half an hour before you top and bake it. The additional rising will ensure an even fluffier texture. 
  • Moisture During Baking: To achieve a beautiful crispy crust without drying out the inside, you can place a heat-resistant bowl of water at the bottom of the oven while the focaccia bakes. The steam that is generated helps to keep the surface of the focaccia moist during the first few minutes of baking, which leads to a better crust. 
This focaccia goes wonderfully as a side dish to soups and salads or can simply be enjoyed with some good olive oil. The fresh wild garlic gives this Italian classic a unique and spicy note that delights with every bite. 
Keyword bärlauch, bärlauch rezepte, focaccia, garlic, italian food, recipe, rezept, wild garlic

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